Presented by Build-A-Blinkie in the Maize room

  • Friday: 5:00PM – 8:00PM
  • Saturday: 10:00AM – 8:00PM
  • Sunday: 10:00AM – 2:00PM

If you have never soldered before, this is the place to learn. You get a kit with the parts, and then at the soldering station, you build it.  We will give you as much or as little assistance as you like – we never judge because we remember when we first learned to solder and we want this to be a fun and rewarding experience!  You then get to show it off and take it home.  If you have soldered before, this is the place to hone your skills with our more challenging kits.

Fee for materials.

Build-A-Blinkie’s mission is as a 501©3 organization dedicated to the teaching of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics).  We currently run many learn-how-to solder events in the Great Lakes area and are involved in numerous maker events, maker spaces, trade schools, libraries, universities, and area conventions.

Click on the image below for more information:

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