A vengeful ghost seeks revenge against the backdrop of a steam powered sports tournament.
Games Master – Branden Webb
A ghost stalks the stands and corridors of Ironhead Arena! With the East kingdom Semi-finals in the offing, the spirit is wreaking havoc among the teams and threatening to disprupt the entire event. Detective Ashley Cosgrave and their intrepid band of investigators are retained by the Grind Sports Commission. Their task, to deal with the spirit and lay it to rest before it kills anyone else, or heavens forbid forces them to cancel the event.
This is a table top gaming event – please visit our Gaming Library in the Banks room on the Lower Level for more information and to sign up for scheduled games.
Branden Webb has run games at many conventions over the years including Origins and Steampunk Symposium. He is a creative writer and story teller with a long experience of sharing these skills with tables full of gamers. Now he’s bringing his enjoyment of RPGs and storytelling to the Chicago Steampunk Exposition.