Splendid Teapot Racing is an obstacle course of candlesticks, ramps, and a gateway that must be traversed using a remote controlled teapot.
Presented by Lisa Rooney & Clete Rooney
Splendid Teapot Racing is a sport that began in New Zealand, but is quickly spreading around the World. Each teapot racer must consist of a remote controlled vehicle, no larger than 12-inches wide, 12-inches tall, and 16-inches long, and must contain a teapot. The race is a timed obstacle course.
Lisa Rooney has been hosting teapot races in Florida and Missouri since the autumn of 2015. She has built several teapot racers since then, as well as the obstacles for the race course. The prize ribbons awarded at each of her races are one-of-a-kind, handmade by Lisa. She, also, runs the Steampunk Christmas Facebook page, which includes a 100 days until Christmas countdown.