• Games Master: Father Henry Astur (AKA Kody Raslawski)
  • Gaming System: Cthulhu by Gaslight
  • Players: 4-6 (sign-ups in rooms 1330 & 1332)
  • Duration: 3 hours

A dark and stormy night in the Severn Valley. A mystery lurks in the forests. Unravel the mystery before that very mystery threatens to unravel your lives, in “Dead Light.”

Dice, writing implements, and character sheets will be provided.

This is a scheduled tabletop gaming event – please visit our onsite Gaming Library in Room 1322 for more information and to sign up.

Cthulhu by Gaslight is the Victorian incarnation of the classic Call of Cthulhu RPG. Gaslightprovides variations to capture Victorian history and societal norms, but is essentially the same rule system as the original 1920’s Cthulhu RPG. If you are not already familiar with these rules but would like to get better acquainted, click on the cover below to access the free starter kit for the latest edition of Call of Cthulhu.

Kody Raslawski has been running games as a Keeper of Arcane Knowledge in Call of Cthulhu for nine years and is a member of Chaosium’s official Cult of Chaos. He greatly enjoys creating a fun and engaging horror setting to bring the sessions to life.

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