Presented by Mark Huston
Informative talk with powerpoint from an engineer/author (SFWA Member) that talks about real steam. What it is, what it can (and cannot) do, how to make it, how to manage it, how to fuel it, and things that an author can use to make systems go “boom!”
Mark Huston is an author and engineer who lives and works in the Chicago area. He writes mostly in Eric Flint’s 1632 universe. His first novel, Up-Time Pride and Down-Time Prejudice was a 2020 Dragon Award finalist. Mark has appeared in F&SF and other publications. He writes Alternate History, SF, and Fantasy as the mood takes him. Religion nerd, history nerd. Historical sermon giver, former actor and director. Racer and car guy. Works with steam, turbo-machinery, and generally plays well with others. Generally.