Hosted by CosMeetUp Chicago
CosMeetUp Chicago will be providing a Photography Salon to all convention attendees! You will also find them roaming around Exposition capturing event happenings.
- Friday 4PM to 8PM
- Saturday 12PM to 9PM
- Sunday 10AM to 4PM
NOTE: Saturday has late hours to ensure you have the opportunity to get photos in your Goblin King’s Masquerade Ball attire!
LOCATION: Main Floor – Maize Room
IMPORTANT NOTE: A convention badge required to access this room.
4X6″ are $10
8X10″ are $20
ABOUT: CosMeetUp Chicago is a social networking group of photographers and cosplayers in the Chicago geek community. Their mission is to provide unique safe spaces for local photographers and cosplayers to meet, collaborate, learn, raise money for local charities, and simply have fun.
Established in 2019, the group started by organizing in-person cosplay photography meet-ups in unique locations throughout the city of Chicago including Lincoln Park, Chinatown, Labagh Woods, University of Chicago, Jackson Park, Montrose Beach, and throughout the Chicagoland area. While meet-ups are still at the core of the group, they also host photography classes, virtual events, convention after-parties, holiday parties, pop-up studios at conventions, and more.
**We are so honored and privileged for their presence at the con. If you would ever be so kind as to consider making a donation to their tip hat for all their hard work during that weekend, we would appreciate it**
To learn more about CosMeetUp Chicago, click the banner below.