Comic Wreck has hundreds of Posters & Prints! THOUSANDS of individual Manga books! And, they will all be available in the Exposition Exhibitor Hall this September!

Comic Wreck has a huge selection of MANGA (2,000+ individual volumes), at some of the LOWEST prices (majority $5!) – BRING YOUR WANT LIST!

We ALSO BUY AND TRADE Manga, so BRING US YOUR OVERSTOCK/DISCARDS and those awkward Christmas gifts – we also have 100’s of Prints – TV, Dr. Who, Torchwood, Red Dwarf & Walking Dead: Movies: Comic Art, Anime/Manga, Video Games, Toys –
AND we are an Authorized Vendor of Deadworld Zombie Soda []
Any remaining space will be PACKED with our “Bookcase of the Obscure & Bizarre” (BOB) – “…things you may have Never seen before, may never see again, and quite frankly, probably Don’t want to see now…” But you won’t know until you try….
Come see Unca George – he’s just like Earth in the revised Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy – “Mostly Harmless…”


Visit Comic Wreck’s Facebook page and learn more


Click Here to see our full line up of 2019 Vendors


Chicago Steampunk Exposition