We are now FIVE MONTHS away from the opening of the BIGGEST Steampunk event in the Midwest . . . truly a World’s Fair and Grand Exposition of all things Steampunk and Retro-Futuristic! We are incredibly excited, and we hope that you will be as well when you learn of the latest things that have been happening this week . . .
Entertainment & Presentations
This week we added V is for Villains to the list of great bands that will be performing at the 2019 Chicago Steampunk Exposition!
V is for Villains is a nationally touring, high energy electronic industrial rock band from Chicago, Illinois. A group of highly skilled stage performers, V is for Villains blends original music with colorful costuming and full backstories to create characters with a comic book and sci-fi genre feel. to the world.
Click HERE to learn more about V is for Villains . . .
Click Here to see the full Entertainment line up
Exposition Exhibitors
This week we continued our series of feature articles on the wide array of vendors, artists, authors, and exhibitors whom you shall find at the Chicago Steampunk Exposition.
Winged Motivation
As the weeks continue to countdown, we will bring you more profiles to highlight all the amazing things to see and buy at the Exposition. We do have a few spots left in the Exhibitor Hall and Artists’ Alley, so if you would like to apply please click HERE.
Exposition Crew
Next month we are having a special event for our Volunteers to help run the Exposition; a convention is only as strong as its team of volunteers. If you would like to join the crew, please click HERE to learn more and apply. If you have not done so already, please RSVP to the actual Chicago Steampunk Exposition Event Page HERE to help keep you up to date on all the latest Exposition news.
Hotel Rooms
Staying in Chicago can be expensive, but we have managed to secure discounted rooms at the Westin O’Hare Hotel starting at $129 per night (plus taxes & fees) Suites are also available for $179 per night (plus taxes & fees).
CLICK HERE to book your rooms online, or call (800) 937-8461 or (847) 698-6000 and requesting the Steampunk Block when giving the dates of your reservation. If you are planning on vending at the Exposition, we have a separate block of rooms reserved for you. Upon acceptance to the show and settlement of vendor fees, details and instructions for booking a room in the Vendor Block will be emailed to you.
Upcoming Posts . . .
Next month we will have details and tickets for special events such as the High Teas, the Burnham Banquet, the Midway Masquerade, and more!