Each week as we draw closer to the Exposition, we shall bring you regular updates on the progress and developments of the convention. We are very excited about this project, and want to share with you as much as we can as we work to build a spectacular event for Chicago and the Steampunk Community.


This past Saturday (September 29th, 2018) we celebrated the One Year Countdown to the opening of the Exposition at the Five Roses Pub (a few blocks from the Expo hotel) and met some great ladies and gentlemen who will part of the convention as new staff, volunteers, and vendors.

See many of those same people this Sunday (October 7th, 2018) at Chicagoland Steampunk Society’s Battle of the Biscuits in Aurora, IL; learn more and RSVP at the official Facebook Event Page.

Get Involved

Despite already having several Featured Speakers, vendors, and Entertainers lined up for 2019, and we invite you join us to Vend, to Present, and to Volunteer at the convention.

If you have not done so already, please RSVP to the actual Chicago Steampunk Exposition Event Page HERE to help keep you up to date on all the latest Expo news.

Upcoming Posts . . .

  • Booking details for the hotel block
  • Sneak peaks for Special Events

. . . and more!

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