There are now 43 weeks left until the opening of the first ever Chicago Steampunk Exposition, and things continue to pick up steam and move on down the track . . .
Chicago Adventure Thursday
The Chicago Steampunk Exposition is located across the street from the Chicago L Blue Line station, which makes it easy to access for those living Downtown, and makes Downtown easy to access for those staying at the Westin O’Hare, which is why Thursday, September 26th, 2019 we are taking an adventure for a Steampunk Invasion of Downtown Chicago!
For those arriving early to the Exposition, a team of local Steampunks from the Chicagoland Steampunk Society will lead an expedition from the hotel to ride the renowned L train straight into the heart of Chicago and see some of the famous landmarks of the Windy City. Those wishing to explore alone are certainly free to do so, and there will be scheduled meetups for those wishing to regroup at different times during the day.
Chicago Adventure Thursday is an unofficial part of the Exposition, which means that no ticket (other than your train fare) is required to participate in this jaunt downtown. More details will be revealed in early 2019, but for those wishing to add more to their Chicago experience, make a note in the diary for your September travel and accommodation plans.
Hotel Rooms
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Staying in Chicago can be expensive, but we have managed to secure discounted rooms at the Westin O’Hare Hotel starting at $129 per night (plus taxes & fees)
Suites are also available for $179 per night (plus taxes & fees)
Links are coming soon, and we shall post them as soon as the hotel has them finalized, but in the meantime you can book your rooms by calling (800) 937-8461 or (847) 698-6000 and requesting the Steampunk Block when giving the dates of your reservation.
If you are planning on vending at the Exposition, we have a separate block of rooms reserved for you. Upon acceptance to the show and settlement of vendor fees, details and instructions for booking a room in the Vendor Block will be emailed to you.
Get Involved
Despite already having several Featured Speakers, vendors, and Entertainers lined up for 2019, and we invite you join us to Vend, to Present, and to Volunteer at the convention.
If you have not done so already, please RSVP to the actual Chicago Steampunk Exposition Event Page HERE to help keep you up to date on all the latest Expo news.
Upcoming Posts . . .
- More booking details for the hotel block
- Sneak peaks for Special Events
- Tour of the Exposition venue
. . . and more!
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