Who Investigates the Investigators?

The clues continue to mount, but what could they spell out? As we countdown to the opening of the portal that invites you to step back in time to 1893 and experience dimensions of the Chicago World’s Fair that neverwas, not only do we bring the latest updates regarding the Exposition’s exhibitors and program, we also slowly unveil the puzzle . . .

Each year there is a mystery to be solved at the Exposition as part of our Steam & Sorcery LARP Game; this time around it began with a fire . . . from ice? Every week between now and the end of May 2025, we shall release another Clue Card to help you solve the mystery game that begins during Opening Ceremonies on Friday, May 30th, 2025.

Save these Clue Cards to a folder on your phone and prepare your investigation into our “Curse of Cthulhu” LARP Game.

CLICK HERE to see all of the “Curse of Cthulhu” clue cards thus far.

Program Updates

Here are some details about presentations that will be part of the program in May 2025.

If you have a presentation, workshop, or some other fun activity that you would like to propose for the 2025 Exposition Program, please fill out our PRESENTER APPLICATION FORM. We are also looking for GAMES MASTERS to run tabletop games, and we are always on the search for talented PERFORMERS.

Exhibitor Updates

Exhibitors at the Exposition are divided into three main locations: The Underground Market (Sienna), The Palace of Fine Arts (Slate), and The Midway Plaisance (Atrium Lobby).

This week we featured the following exhibitors:

Tickets & the Exclusive Pin

Badges and Tea Tickets are already on sale for the 2025 Exposition! Until the end of this year, ALL badges are $10 off the regular price AND the first 100 Weekend Badges sold will receive an EXCLUSIVE brass colored Exposition 2025 pin that matches the theme. The pin design is almost done and we should be able to reveal it in our next countdown update, but we can describe it as the Exposition Ferris wheel and of course . . . tentacles!

Click on the Box Office image below to purchase your tickets today! Please note that for 2025 we will be printing your name (in a fancy font) on the badge, so include “badge names” in the “Order Notes” section of the check out form. In addition to your name, badges will also be labeled with your order number for reference in case lost badges get turned into Registration; that said, however, please remember that lost badges that are not turned in can not be replaced and a new purchase will be required.

Afternoon Tea Parties & Banquets

New for 2025, the Exposition will offer a limited ticket banquet on Friday and Saturday evening. We are currently working on the menu and pricing, but this meal will also offer patrons the opportunity to sit with one of our guests of honor for a meal and pleasant conversation. Details coming in our next countdown update, but meanwhile tickets for our Afternoon Tea Parties are on sale now.

Get Involved!

We are looking for Presenters, Performers, Games Masters, and other people to run sessions for the 2025 Chicago Steampunk Exposition program. Applications are now live; please click on the appropriate image to access the form.

Hotel Rooms

For April 2024, the Exposition hotel was actually sold out. Admittedly not all the people staying at the Hyatt Regency Schaumburg that weekend were there for the Exposition, but nonetheless the hotel was sold out. To avoid getting locked out in 2025, we recommend booking your room early (you can always cancel later if needs be).

Social Media

On the Horizon . . .

  • More programming!
  • Who is Steampunk Stanley?
  • Exposition 2025 Design Contests.
  • The new Steam & Sorcery adventure!